
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Kyogre & Groudon GX Speculation

Now that the hype from Forbidden Light’s release has begun die down, the wait begins for Celestial
Storm. However, we know a good chunk of cards in the set because some of the cards will be coming
from Japan’s Champion Road miniset. But at the time of writing, we don’t know much about what will
be in Japan’s SM7 set, Charisma of the Wrecked Sky. But, let’s see if we can figure out what we could
be getting on a pair of new cards

Land & Sea Clash Once More

We know we’re getting 11 GXs out of the set, 6 of which are coming from Champion Road; Articuno,
Scizor, Salamence, Electrode, Banette, and Mr. Mime, all of which are spiritual reprints of exs from the
Ruby & Sapphire era of the game. The other 5, however, we know little to none about; Rayquaza,
Stakataka, Blaziken, and 2 others that aren’t confirmed, but are likely to be Groudon & Kyogre. The
reason behind this is that, with the exception of Regigigas and Heatran in March, every Pokemon
featured in the Legendary Pokemon promotion for 2018 has had a parralel in the TCG. For example,
February had Dialga & Palkia as the available Pokemon for download, and in Ultra Prism, the February
set, we got GXs for Dialga & Palkia. So, Groudon & Kyogre GX are likely to happen. But what are they
going to do?

For Groudon, looking at all the Groudons ever printed, a few things occur quite often. First, almost every

Groudon card has a 4 energy attack, so, the GX will probably have a 4 energy main attack. Second, a
good number of older cards, and a few newer ones, have an attack that discards something, whether it
be cards off the top of a deck, either yours or your opponent’s (i.e. Kyogre & Groudon Legend),
discarding energy (i.e. Primal Clash’s Groudon-EX), or discarding stadiums (Primal Groudon-EX). A
few also had an attack that did bench damage, and it wouldn’t be that crazy of a guess to say that an
attack like that could be a nice small attack. While not anywhere close to an educated guess, here’s
what I think a Groudon-GX could look like:

(Basic) Groudon-GX (190 HP) (Fighting)

(F)(C): Small Eruption: 30
Does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon (Don’t apply Weakness & Resistance
for Benched Pokemon)

(F)(F)(F)(C): Volcano Cannon: 160
You may discard a basic energy from this Pokemon. If you do, choose up to 3 Stadiums, Pokemon Tools,
or Basic Energy in play and discard them

(F)(F)(F)(F): Volcanic Blowout GX
Discard the top 5 cards of your opponent’s deck. Place 20 damage counters on your opponent’s
Pokemon in any way you like. (You can’t use more than 1 GX Attack in a game)

Weakness: Grass    Resistance: N/A
Retreat: (C)(C)(C)(C)

Again, not the most likely, but the basic concepts of previous Groudon cards are there, albeit, maybe in
an overpowered form. Also, I didn’t use move names from the games as I don’t know most of them.

As for Kyogre, we also see trends across all Kyogre cards printed. The big 2 are sniping attacks and
special conditions, mainly confusion and sleep, as well as some non-special condition effects like
preventing attacking. There are some that have universal bench damage attacks, but that likely won’t
happen as it could make it too similar to Groudon. So, here’s a concept for Kyogre-GX:

(Basic) Kyogre-GX (180 HP) (Water)

Ability: Ocean’s Expanse
Each Basic Water energy attached to your Pokemon (Except this Pokemon) provide 2 Water Energy
(You can’t apply more than 1 Ocean’s Expanse ability)

(W)(C)(C): Waterknot: 130
Your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed

(W)(W)(C): Torrential Downpour GX
This attack does 100 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Pokemon (Don’t apply weakness & resistance
for Benched Pokemon) (You can’t use more than 1 GX Attack in a game)

Weakness: Grass    Resistance: N/A
Retreat: (C)(C)(C)(C)

Not likely to actually happen, but again, the basic concepts are present, and the GX attack concept is
at least somewhat plausible.

The Clash Will Continue

Again, the ideas I've presented are basically guaranteed not to happen. But at the very least, we have an idea of what these new GXs will do.

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